Precedents & Premises
In the last decade, due to the tremendous progress of computing power, a new era which is called Industry 4.0 has been triggered. This new revolutionary progress in manufacturing systems will also create a huge impact on the socio-economic dynamics of society.
Moreover, very recent pandemic conditions caused by COVID-19 disease show that the modern labour force is highly sensitive to the conditions, and they are subject to change. Technologies based on data processing are changing not only the manufacturing standards but also the daily life of the people.
Given that studies on the future of work, they mentioned the possibility of automation of 30 percent of global working hours by 2030, becoming important and highly recommended to take into account that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can take on the monotonous and repetitive aspects of works that are done by humans when some jobs will be automated.
This may ensure focusing on more strategic or more analytical works. To offer a solution to this problem, the AI4Labour project entitled “Reshaping labour force participation with Artificial Intelligence” aims to predict which kind of new occupations will appear in near future and which kind of skills will be needed to get these new occupations.
Shortly, in the context of the project, required training to obtain these required skills would also be designed and planned. To achieve this goal, an innovative skill-based modelling and skill development methodology armed with AI techniques will be designed for the labour force. This novel methodology will be the building block of a web portal, which will serve as a recommendation tool for all actors including individuals, companies, institutions, and policymakers.

In the last decade, due to the tremendous progress of computing power, a new era, called Industry 4.0, has been triggered. It can be defined as the new version of previous industrial revolutions that specifies the current trend of automation, data exchange and process methodologies in manufacturing technologies.
By 2030, the future of works will suffer the possibility of automation of 30 percent of global working hours, taking into account that AI can take on the monotonous and repetitive aspects of work that are done by humans when some jobs will be automated.
The future will necessarily have to ensure focusing on more strategic/analytical works. There is already an estimation that AI will create different types of new jobs that may need different skills all over the world, becoming expected that people will change their jobs and acquire new skills.
AI4Labour aims to predict which kind of new occupations will appear in near future and which kind of skills will be needed to get these new occupations, with the design of an innovative skill-based modelling and skill development methodology for the labour force. This novel methodology will be the building block of a portal, which will serve as a recommendation tool for all actors.
to develop a model to redefine the task-based modelling
This objective will be achieved through analysing existing task-based models for the labour force and improving the existing methodologies with the applications of machine learning techniques. The goal is to determine if the tasks will disappear due to the incorporation of AI in all pores of our lives, in near future.
To predict the employees from which categories will lose their jobs due to AI and required trainings
A survey will take place in each partner country to collect data related to employees and their tasks (routine and non-routine). Collected data will be examined with the proposed models to predict which employee is at risk and which training has a potential to decrease that risk.
To create a recommendation portal
A web-portal will be created for employees, companies, policymakers, and educational
To increase set of skills and to improve employability prospects of involved staff members
The AI4Labour project promotes international and inter-sectoral collaboration between participating organizations in the consortium through secondments.
The AI4Labour project will enhance the cooperation and transfer of knowledge between sectors and disciplines while increasing the Research and Innovation capacity among participating organisations.
Consortium partners will be improving their collaboration by means of other synergies, networking activities, organization of workshops, seminars, summer school and a final conference to facilitate sharing of knowledge.
Although it is believed that Artificial Intelligence will destroy some of the jobs in the labour market (if it is not all), it is also believed that it can increase the skill sets of workers across a wide range of industries.
Moreover, the project will encourage staff members to turn creative ideas into innovative services or products by rewarding creativity and entrepreneurship. All staff members will gain new transferable skills, which eventually help them to boost their future career opportunities through the secondments, training and R&I activities.
Finally, the AI4Labour project will improve the results by means of enabling staff members of each beneficiary and partner organization to acquire efficient R&I and soft skills for fostering their career development and contributing to EU’s knowledge-based economy and society which will increase the quality of the European’s Union human capital.

Flowchart of scientific work packages